Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Die Hard Clemson Tiger Fans!

Clemson Tigers are ranked as the #1 college football team in the nation right now! What a fantastic season.  These guys love to go see the Tigers play (day or night, rain or shine :/ ).  I wish they could do as well on their schoolwork as they can with their football stats.  They can rattle off names, stats, wins, losses, etc. of most football teams - college and pro.  C-L-E-M-S-O-N!!!

First Communion (Last Spring)

I almost forgot to mention that the boys received their First Holy Communion this past Spring. They took classes for two years and worked very hard. They were thrilled to 'graduate' and be able to go up and receive communion and the wine.  They still get nervous and excited to do this at church!  I think they thought it was pretty special... and it was.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Boys Are Eight

The boys are eight and in 3rd grade. They are doing soccer this fall and also had their first tennis lesson/clinic last week. They both liked it! I'd like for them to try out a bunch of different sports before we start to focus on just one. I really do not want them to play tackle football and that is the one sport they beg to play. Trying to hold them off for (ever) as long as I can! They have recently been introduced to fishing - Holden really has the fishing bug and LOVES to fish! They are both just as silly as ever.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ready or not... here comes Summer!!!!

I never thought I'd say this – but I think I'm ready for summer! I know the boys are.  We need a break from the normal routine.  I need to find one or two more camps for them so they don't get bored. Right now we are going to be doing swim team, and music camp for half day one week and also a basketball camp for a half day one week in July.  Branson has been dying to do a wrestling camp – I think he's finally gotten Holden onboard, so I may sign them up for a short wrestling camp just to introduce them to the sport. They wrestle with each other all day long anyway so I think they will really enjoy it!

I'm adding this from my smart phone… I've never tried this before but I'm hopeful that I will keep up with the blog better now that I know my phone can help me do it. 😄

Monday, March 24, 2014

Technical Difficulties Really $uck

I cannot figure out what has happened... I can't upload/ download any pictures. Argh! Very frustrating. I will have to do some trouble-shooting and see what I can figure out. I will admit that computer problems and math are right up there with going to get a tooth pulled...THINGS I DON'T LIKE (i've never had one pulled and don't plan to). ;)

The boys are doing really well. First grade is going great. I am amazed at what they are learning in school. Some of this stuff I wasn't learning about until 3rd grade or 4th. And the computer skills - wow! They are learning about things I didn't know how to do until I was in college. It really blows me away. The school they go to has a strong emphasis on Math, so that probably means that this is the last year I'll be able to help them with their homework. It will be getting too complicated for me by next year I feel sure. haha! Thankfully, they can go ask their father.

Hey, maybe he can fix my computer problem with adding pictures too! I'm off to ask... hope to be back on track soon.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Main Entry: dagnabbit Part of Speech: interj Definition: god damn it Example: Dagnabbit, where's my cell phone? Etymology: based on "dang rabbit," said by the character Elmer Fudd in Bugs Bunny cartoons Usage: euphemism Dagnabbit! I can't believe it has been SO LONG since I've updated this blog - I was shocked at how long ago the last entry was. I think about it sometimes, I just never get on the computer much anymore because now I mostly just use my smartphone. (And I don't have Beverly sending me reminder emails haha!) Dagnabbit is the boys' favcrite new word lately. It's on some stupid insurance commercial and they just get a kick out of it for some reason. They love saying it. But Dagnabbit! is what I want to say because now I know I'm going to cry. I'm going to update this blog with the death of their Poppy (Hollis Cone, Ashley's dad) and I don't want to cry!!! Dagnabbit! Dagnabbit!!!! Man, what a shocker! You know that saying "Go Big or Go Home"? Well, let's just change it to "Go Big and Go Home" because that's exactly what Poppy did. He always went big. With good food, good wine, gifts and presents, and most of all his presence etc. You knew when he was in the room with you. And the kicker is, the ending of his life was no different. He went BIG before he went HOME. He had an aggressive form of liver Cancer and only had about 2 weeks to say his good-byes. Well, in that whirlwind of 2 weeks a lot went down. But since this blog is focused on our boys I'll try to keep it on track.... (quick shout out to Ashley and his sisters and nephew for getting baptized during that time!) Like I said a lot went down. haha! Hollis Cone/ Poppy as the boys called him. He was fun to be around... ask anyone that knew him; and he enjoyed being around people. You could tell by his smile and the stories he told. He was loving, generous, spoke his mind, cursed (in a cute kind of way doing it) and went out of his way to see our boys. He went to swim meets, soccer games, Grandparents Day at school, etc. etc. Crap, the tears are really flowing now - Dagnabbit!! Branson and Holden really loved him and they are so young. But I know they felt the love he had for them and I hope they carry that with them throughout their lives. I hate thinking what could have been... he would have been in their lives, helping them along the way with his love and sense of humor but now that's gone. We will truly miss his cute Cottageville accent, his handsome tall funny self. Thanks for all the fond memories (and there are only fond ones) Poppy. Much Love To You, You Are Now Home.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Training Wheels Are Off!

We just took off the boys' training wheels... and success!  Probably because we could've done it months ago... but they were able to do it pretty easily.  Branson could use a little more practice, but I think the real problem is he is too tall for his bike.  He wobbles a bit and starts and stops a bit much; but he can do it.  I give him one more day of training and he'll be smooth as butter.  Holden is zooming up and down the street with no problem; he is an expert already. His coordination and athletic ability constantly amazes me.  We only took the training wheels off around 5:30pm this evening ~ so really there was only about a 30 minute window to practice, if that long.  Tomorrow will be fun I'm sure! Zoom Zoom!  (I'll try to take a picture of it, if they aren't going by too fast.)

Trying not to think 'deep thoughts' and get misty.  It's hard not to as they are crawling towards you one day and then the next they are pedaling away from you.  Our baby boys are growing up so fast. (sniff)