Monday, December 31, 2007


What a great year 2007 was! Here's to this coming year being a little bit healthier, a lot less crazy and just as happy happy happy. Cheers!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Playing peekaboo and wrestling with each other!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! The boys were 8 months old yesterday ~ too hard to believe how the time has flown by. We have been action packed lately visiting all of our relatives. Branson and Holden are starting to think that every day is a party. They love being around people and really enjoy being social!
Branson has four teeth now - two on top and two on bottom. Holden has his two on the bottom and is waiting patiently for the top ones to show themselves. Here are a few pictures of the boys playing with each other on their 8 month old "birthday" just rolling around having a good time. They really like each other a lot.
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and we wish you and your families health and happiness in the coming year. Peace be with you.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Who knew a basket could be this much fun!?!

Bagel Boys

It has been a busy crazy time for us lately. Ashley recently had his wisdom teeth taken out; the surgery was last week so not much time for pictures or blogging. I'm happy to say he is feeling much better and we sure are glad! This morning the boys tried a toasted bagel for the first time . It was funny to see Holden dive right in and start examing it and chewing on it. Branson wasn't so sure about it, he seemed a little grossed out at first... but soon got the hang of it and really enjoyed it. Their cute hats came from their great aunt Maci and I think the boys thought that a wild animal had crawled up on top of them. It was so funny to watch their expressions with the new hat and the new bagel all at once this morning! We can't just entertain the babies... sometimes we have to entertain ourselves a little bit too ~ just for the fun of it!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Cold enough for a jacket...

The boys and I went for a walk today and it was nice, but a little cool so I dressed them in their jackets. I thought they looked like sweet little cuddly bears. Also, Holden has started to complain sometimes and it is pretty much fake crying; he really cracks me up when he does it. I had to get it on video to show you what I mean. They would not take a nap this afternoon so I went in and I put Holden in Branson's crib to just hang out for a few minutes and bond. They like hanging out with each other, but Holden was just ready to get out and go play!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Guess who....

Guess who likes frozen blueberries... they both do!
Guess who is officially crawling now.... Holden is!
Guess who touched his first tree today... Branson did!
Yes,we are now in deep you-know-what since Holden is now crawling and Branson is flipping all over the place. They are fast and everywhere. We went Christmas tree shopping today and got a tree; the boys were so good and helped us get a really nice one. They had frozen blueberries for the first time this weekend and loved the whole experience. What a yummy mess it was!

Friday, November 23, 2007

We Are Thankful for....

Sweet smiling baby boys, gummy grins (with two teeth!) and little escape artists who are oh so cute when they are being bad! Tomorrow Branson and Holden will be 7 months old. Hoping you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Great Weekend Visit!

Thanks Aunt Courtney and Uncle Dave for coming in from Florida to visit last weekend! We had a fun time hanging out with you guys. And a special thanks to GramBee and Poppy for babysitting on Saturday night (so we could all go freeze our arses off at the game) it was a great weekend of visiting with relatives! Branson and Holden were smooched on and loved on so much that this week has seemed a bit boring to them without all the attention. They also had a fun weekend for sure!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Well their 6 month check-up went great! These rascals are big boys, but we already knew that right?! Holden weighed in at 19.5 lbs and Branson is approx. 1 pound heavier. Their doc. said their height was "off the chart" with Branson's height at 29 inches and Holden only 1/4 of an inch behind him. They'll probably be taller than me in about two more years! haha
One small hiccup though, their little internal clocks do not know how to fall back for Daylight Savings Time; they have been getting up bright and early these last couple of days. Ashley and I wish we could wake up that cheerful so early in the morning!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween! Our friends Tommy, Ann and Anna Katherine (aka Little Miss Bumblebee) helped us celebrate it. And Grandmama and Dr. Mack came over to see how cute two little Tootsie Rolls could really be. We had fun going down the street to see some of our neighbors partying it up; Ms. Karen thinks Holden looks good enough to eat! No candy for these boys yet, but next year... instead of looking like it, I feel sure they'll be eating it! Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Talented Little Holden

Holden is loving his feet and likes to pull off socks now. Argh! Even in his swing he figures out that he can still do it! You see him eyeing his sock and then the wheels in his cute little head start turning and the next thing you know... he has the sock in his mouth. Whatcha goin' do?!?

Our Boys

I think they look so cute in these outfits. HungyJack... ya gobble 'em down and the plate comes back for a HungryJack! haha Their first day in overalls!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jump, jump, jump....Jumping Beans!

These little boogers really like to jump! They have started using their jumpy seats and really enjoy the action. Speaking of action, I put Branson on a blanket to play and left the room to get something to drink (non-alcoholic) and came back to find this little roly poly inside of his blanket! r-o-t-t-e-n, just rotten! It really made me giggle so I had to take a picture of him in the act. They are getting so heavy these days... I am struggling to carry them in their child seats/car seats. They'll be graduating to the larger capacity seats soon, very soon. Ashley and I are developing sore elbows from these two big bruisers! They turned 6 months old yesterday (Oct. 24th)... can you believe it?!? Hooray!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Help us choose our costume!

After tallying the votes once the poll closed, the results ended up being: a tie! We'll have to use both costumes now - yeah! We will dress them up on Halloweeen and divide our time up wearing both of them. They won't mind I'm sure. Thanks for voting!!

We are fortunate enough to have 2 choices this Halloween! Branson is modeling their cute and cuddly tiger cub costume while Holden models their yummy funny Tootsie Roll costume. They are both sooo cute, it will be hard to decide! Check out our new poll and make your vote.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

That's your color

Ashley and I have decided that Branson looks good in red and Holden looks good in blue! Here they are just being cute, so I thought I'd share.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's a hard knock life....

Branson and Holden are seen here playing and singing "it's a hard knock life for us". is good. To be able to play, nap, eat and have on a clean diaper ~ it's rough being a baby! Both boys are getting better at sitting up by themselves another couple of weeks and they will have it down. They love to play together and are becoming more and more interested in each other. They really like to be near each other or looking at each other; it's very sweet. Branson is a little more mobile and will roll over to where Holden is when they are playing on the floor. I think Branson will be crawling soon, not that it matters much, he can get across a room in lightening speed as it is! Oh boy are we gonna have our hands full(er) very soon!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Relaxing with my brother

Some days Branson likes to just hang out and reduce stress by sucking on his fingers... oops, those aren't his (he looks kind of guilty if you ask me).