Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween! Our friends Tommy, Ann and Anna Katherine (aka Little Miss Bumblebee) helped us celebrate it. And Grandmama and Dr. Mack came over to see how cute two little Tootsie Rolls could really be. We had fun going down the street to see some of our neighbors partying it up; Ms. Karen thinks Holden looks good enough to eat! No candy for these boys yet, but next year... instead of looking like it, I feel sure they'll be eating it! Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Talented Little Holden

Holden is loving his feet and likes to pull off socks now. Argh! Even in his swing he figures out that he can still do it! You see him eyeing his sock and then the wheels in his cute little head start turning and the next thing you know... he has the sock in his mouth. Whatcha goin' do?!?

Our Boys

I think they look so cute in these outfits. HungyJack... ya gobble 'em down and the plate comes back for a HungryJack! haha Their first day in overalls!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jump, jump, jump....Jumping Beans!

These little boogers really like to jump! They have started using their jumpy seats and really enjoy the action. Speaking of action, I put Branson on a blanket to play and left the room to get something to drink (non-alcoholic) and came back to find this little roly poly inside of his blanket! r-o-t-t-e-n, just rotten! It really made me giggle so I had to take a picture of him in the act. They are getting so heavy these days... I am struggling to carry them in their child seats/car seats. They'll be graduating to the larger capacity seats soon, very soon. Ashley and I are developing sore elbows from these two big bruisers! They turned 6 months old yesterday (Oct. 24th)... can you believe it?!? Hooray!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Help us choose our costume!

After tallying the votes once the poll closed, the results ended up being: a tie! We'll have to use both costumes now - yeah! We will dress them up on Halloweeen and divide our time up wearing both of them. They won't mind I'm sure. Thanks for voting!!

We are fortunate enough to have 2 choices this Halloween! Branson is modeling their cute and cuddly tiger cub costume while Holden models their yummy funny Tootsie Roll costume. They are both sooo cute, it will be hard to decide! Check out our new poll and make your vote.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

That's your color

Ashley and I have decided that Branson looks good in red and Holden looks good in blue! Here they are just being cute, so I thought I'd share.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's a hard knock life....

Branson and Holden are seen here playing and singing "it's a hard knock life for us". is good. To be able to play, nap, eat and have on a clean diaper ~ it's rough being a baby! Both boys are getting better at sitting up by themselves another couple of weeks and they will have it down. They love to play together and are becoming more and more interested in each other. They really like to be near each other or looking at each other; it's very sweet. Branson is a little more mobile and will roll over to where Holden is when they are playing on the floor. I think Branson will be crawling soon, not that it matters much, he can get across a room in lightening speed as it is! Oh boy are we gonna have our hands full(er) very soon!