Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lights Before Christmas at the Zoo!

We had fun last night seeing all the wonderful Christmas lights at the zoo! Dr. Mack and Grandmama accompanied us and we all got into the Christmas Spirit. Branson and Holden were oooohing and aaaahing the entire time at the pretty lights. They really enjoyed it!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Could I Please Have Some Privacy

The top picture is just one of many (and I do mean many) attempts at a Christmas photo. Needless to say... it did not make the cut. But it was o-k, so I thought I'd at least put it out there and not just waste an 'almost'. The bottom picture is of the boys playing in the tub. They love love love the water and getting in the bathtub to play and relax. I know I have taken several shots of them in the tub... but I can't resist. They are just too cute when they are splashing, giggling and naked. hahaha Branson loves to just kick back sometimes and lay on his back with his head in the water; relaxing and chilling out. Holden is more like a fish and likes to spread long-ways on his belly and imitate swimming. I cherish these times, because I know too soon that they will be like "Moooom, knock first" or " I need my privacy" or "I'm a big boy...I only take showers now". Then it will be no more shampoo hairdos, and definitely no more cameras in the bathroom!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ready or not... Christmas IS coming!

I have not even taken a Christmas picture of the boys yet! Ashley and I tried the other night, but we got nothin. We did get our Christmas tree today thankfully. I've only just begun my Christmas shopping. eeeeeek!
Here are a couple of pictures of the boys at least. Holden really is enjoying a gift box as his fort. Fire chief Branson will allow Holden to ride on the back of the firetruck, but he always has to drive!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

When It's Cold Outside

These pictures of Branson are so funny to me. He was so miserable being bundled up (about 2 weeks ago when it was sooooo cold!) with his hat and gloves on. He couldn't stand it! He would just stand there and complain and not move at all. He will barely let me put his jacket on most of the time, so this was really pushing it; the boy just hates to be constricted in any way. Anyway, he just stood there and cried until I took off the hat and gloves... but of course I had to run and grab my camera to take a picture of him in this miserable state and thus torturing him those few extra long minutes.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Road Rash

Here Holden is showing his boo boo from where he fell down on the sidewalk outside about a week ago. Ashley was watching him and said he was pushing his car and got going too fast and wasn't able to get his hands out fast enough to catch himself. Poor little guy! Of course it happens just before any Christmas pictures get taken. haha!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cold Busted With The Goods!

If you scroll from the lower pictures to the top it tells a better story....

These little boys have a looooong reach and I keep getting reminded of that on occassion. I will find them hunkering in the hall corner or quiet behind the slide in the playroom or, as shown above, plainly out in the open on the kitchen floor with contraband. They can somehow manage to grab a box of crackers, cookies or cereal... open it... and just dig in within a matter of seconds if my back is turned. I'm not naming any names, but we all know Branson is about and 1.5 inches taller than Holden, and seen in the pictures above he is holding the "hot" goods in his chubby little hands. Also, when I start the interrogation he IS the first to try to talk his way out of it and almost appears guilty looking in the second picture. And by the looks of Holden's face in the third picture, which he doesn't appear guilty at all; that smile tells me he thinks it is his lucky day to have come across this! Sometimes I even catch the dog getting in on it. She is right there with her little buddies chowing down cookies with them - the little traitor!
For the most part they stay busy by riding the lawn mower or pushing their wagon or cozy coupe car around ~ thankfully!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Branson and Holden had a costume party at school on Halloween day. It was really cute to see the kids all dressed up! There were lions, pink butterflies, snow princesses and so many other really adorable costumes. They had fun enjoying their party too.

Also, we had their 18-month pediatrician check-up last week and these big boys are not slowing down... Branson's height: 36in (off the chart) and Holden's height: 34.5 (95th%)! Branson weighs two pounds more than his little brother (30 v 28lbs), but to hold them both you would never know. We think Branson secretly smuggles heavy bricks in his diaper because Holden feels soooo much lighter when you pick him up!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Two little Elvis Rock'n Rollers!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Holden in the party tent, big boy Branson, and I just can't stop taking funny bathtub pictures!

Here are a few pictures of the boys just to show that they are still happy and growing! Keeping me busy and too tired to write (blog) lately!! haha This post is short and sweet! Holy Cow ~ they will be 1.5 years old tomorrow!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hugging and Jumping

I took this about a month ago, but thought it was sweet and wanted to share it. I love my sweet boys!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pics from D.C.

Who knows, this could be a sign of things to come? Politics could be in our boys' future... they are tall and cute afterall.

Washington, D.C. trip

Branson and Holden have not been to "school" in about two weeks. We are going to have an interesting morning tomorrow when we show up! The two main reasons for that are: we have been traveling and we have been sick. Both are long and drawn out, but I'll try to summarize for you.
Sadly, my grandmother passed away recently. Her burial was last week at Arlington National Cemetary in Virginia. Ashley and I packed up the boys and decided to leave a few days early to see the sites in D.C. and then attend her funeral. My mother, lucky for us, rode with us too. As the departure date got closer and closer I started to doubt and fret over taking the boys on an 8 hour car trip (16 hours total drive time, to and from!). And of course I was thinking of how lately Branson had started bucking his car seat for the last few weeks and it was taking some real muscle or two people to strap him in it. I was thinking he was never going to want to see another car seat again after this trip! But to our amazement both Branson and Holden did wonderfully! I was truly thankful. They are such good boys and have such good dispostions I don't know why I was even surprised.
Well, we got home Monday night and on Tuesday night/Wed. morning Branson just didn't seem like he felt well so we didn't go to school. Then Thursday IT hit. The sickness. I got IT first and then Holden got IT that afternoon. Then Friday evening Ashley got IT and Branson got IT late Friday night. We are all over it now, thankfully, and I won't go into all the gory details... but Montezuma's revenge came to mind and so did food poisoning and also the Flu. If I had to call it something I think I'd call it the baby version of the Flu. Not fun!
Anyway, this week is definitely looking up!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New and Exciting

Branson and Holden have started school! Well, it's really a "mother's morning out" for the most part. They go for three hours in the morning a few days a week. They get to play, do crafts and have music day! Needless to say they have a great time being with other kids and learning new stuff. In the picture above their Papa has both boys and is taking them to their first visit at the school (Spring Valley Baptist Church). The last picture is on the morning of their first official day of school and getting ready to go.
The picture of Branson looking guilty is him getting cold-busted in the pantry. Just in the nick of time too; he has the syrup!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Movin On Up...

Let's see.... what has been going on lately with Branson and Holden? Well, they can both climb up the stairs really fast and Holden knows how to sit on his bottom and come down too. Branson needs a little work on the coming down part. He thinks he can do it like a normal long-legged adult and just walk on down; needless to say it's a long way down and we aren't letting him find out the hard way.

They like to give out "high fives". They love to run from Mommy and into (and quickly on down) the street whenever possible. Both Branson and Holden really get excited when we play basketball. We might need to get a second basketball since it's hard to share stuff you really like. Branson and Holden have been playing out on the screened-in back porch and when they think they've been out there long enough they definitely let me know (by banging on the door and yelling)!
Pretty soon we will have to let these guys experience their first football game and take them up to Clemson. Then they can do all the yelling they want. Yeah, Go Tigers!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Getting SO big

Finally catching up! More pictures coming soon. I... err, WE have been so busy lately! I feel like we have been "go go going" from morning to night these days. Our boys have been playing a lot and growing so much. I think they look bigger every morning these days! Branson and Holden love to brush their teeth and also brush their hair. Boys aren't the best at daily hygiene so I'm trying to start training them early on.
They love their new shoes (in the picture above)... they can run away from me much faster in them! I do let them watch "Jack's Big Music Show" on NOGGIN most mornings and they just love it. They chill on some pillows and just relax while watching it... it's so funny to see them mesmerized (and still) for just a little while. Both Branson and Holden love music.
Everybody is doing great!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Two sprinkler videos on YouTube

Summertime Fun

One hose attachment - $3.50
Two plastic dump trucks - $6.00
Running through the sprinkler for the first time with your best bud - Priceless

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

climbing cube for lil' buddies

The latest and greatest addition to the playroom is the Little Tikes climbing cube! Thanks to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Robbie (and this awesome hand-me-down fun box) these guys don't have to beat the heat outside; they can climb and slide in the comfort of their own playroom! They love it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get them to stay off the darn activity table... they just love to be bad I think. I try to give them my mean face and they just smile or laugh at me. Also, a funny thing happened the other day when Holden would not get down... I put him in "time out". Well, poor little Branson was so worried about his brother that he went over and sat down next to him and put himself in time out too. It was too cute! They really do love each other and love playing with each other.

who needs toys

I turn around for a few seconds and then I see this.... a box of fully-unloaded wipes! Branson turns a seemingly boring box of wipes to a fun pile of wet ones. He has also figured out how to take off his highchair tray and manages to get off his diaper when not wearing pants. Our sweet loving boy really keeps us on our toes. haha

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

snakes and snails... bumps and bruises

Well as you can see, Branson is doing just fine after his fluke fall. Now Holden has a boo-boo on his forehead from running into a table the other day. If it's not one thing, it's another around this place! I'm sure this is something I better get use to with two energetic little boys running everywhere. (Oh, and to top it off I just discovered my first gray hair today. I'm not naming any names, but take a wild guess!) Here are a few pics of my busy baby boys. Wild and crazy... but we sure do love 'em.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Definition of a heart attack

Main Entry: heart attack
Function: noun
Date: 1928
: an acute episode of heart disease marked by the death or damage of heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the heart usually as a result of a coronary thrombosis or a coronary occlusion and that is characterized especially by chest pain —called also myocardial infarction

I'd like to revise this definition to add that the episode can also be the result of your one year old leaning over and flipping out of the crib in front of your very eyes. Yes, I was standing at Holden's crib this afternoon, and looked over just as Branson was leaning way over and suddenly fell out of his crib on to the floor. He was okay, but it gave me a @$%! heart attack.

*this weekend we will be putting his mattress on the floor inside of his crib

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Independence Day Weekend (early)!

Hope you all enjoy the holiday weekend. Hopefully, Branson and Holden will get to see some fireworks and not be afraid. Stay safe! Happy 4th of July!