Tuesday, July 29, 2008

climbing cube for lil' buddies

The latest and greatest addition to the playroom is the Little Tikes climbing cube! Thanks to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Robbie (and this awesome hand-me-down fun box) these guys don't have to beat the heat outside; they can climb and slide in the comfort of their own playroom! They love it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get them to stay off the darn activity table... they just love to be bad I think. I try to give them my mean face and they just smile or laugh at me. Also, a funny thing happened the other day when Holden would not get down... I put him in "time out". Well, poor little Branson was so worried about his brother that he went over and sat down next to him and put himself in time out too. It was too cute! They really do love each other and love playing with each other.

who needs toys

I turn around for a few seconds and then I see this.... a box of fully-unloaded wipes! Branson turns a seemingly boring box of wipes to a fun pile of wet ones. He has also figured out how to take off his highchair tray and manages to get off his diaper when not wearing pants. Our sweet loving boy really keeps us on our toes. haha

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

snakes and snails... bumps and bruises

Well as you can see, Branson is doing just fine after his fluke fall. Now Holden has a boo-boo on his forehead from running into a table the other day. If it's not one thing, it's another around this place! I'm sure this is something I better get use to with two energetic little boys running everywhere. (Oh, and to top it off I just discovered my first gray hair today. I'm not naming any names, but take a wild guess!) Here are a few pics of my busy baby boys. Wild and crazy... but we sure do love 'em.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Definition of a heart attack

Main Entry: heart attack
Function: noun
Date: 1928
: an acute episode of heart disease marked by the death or damage of heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the heart usually as a result of a coronary thrombosis or a coronary occlusion and that is characterized especially by chest pain —called also myocardial infarction

I'd like to revise this definition to add that the episode can also be the result of your one year old leaning over and flipping out of the crib in front of your very eyes. Yes, I was standing at Holden's crib this afternoon, and looked over just as Branson was leaning way over and suddenly fell out of his crib on to the floor. He was okay, but it gave me a @$%! heart attack.

*this weekend we will be putting his mattress on the floor inside of his crib

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Independence Day Weekend (early)!

Hope you all enjoy the holiday weekend. Hopefully, Branson and Holden will get to see some fireworks and not be afraid. Stay safe! Happy 4th of July!