Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pics from D.C.

Who knows, this could be a sign of things to come? Politics could be in our boys' future... they are tall and cute afterall.

Washington, D.C. trip

Branson and Holden have not been to "school" in about two weeks. We are going to have an interesting morning tomorrow when we show up! The two main reasons for that are: we have been traveling and we have been sick. Both are long and drawn out, but I'll try to summarize for you.
Sadly, my grandmother passed away recently. Her burial was last week at Arlington National Cemetary in Virginia. Ashley and I packed up the boys and decided to leave a few days early to see the sites in D.C. and then attend her funeral. My mother, lucky for us, rode with us too. As the departure date got closer and closer I started to doubt and fret over taking the boys on an 8 hour car trip (16 hours total drive time, to and from!). And of course I was thinking of how lately Branson had started bucking his car seat for the last few weeks and it was taking some real muscle or two people to strap him in it. I was thinking he was never going to want to see another car seat again after this trip! But to our amazement both Branson and Holden did wonderfully! I was truly thankful. They are such good boys and have such good dispostions I don't know why I was even surprised.
Well, we got home Monday night and on Tuesday night/Wed. morning Branson just didn't seem like he felt well so we didn't go to school. Then Thursday IT hit. The sickness. I got IT first and then Holden got IT that afternoon. Then Friday evening Ashley got IT and Branson got IT late Friday night. We are all over it now, thankfully, and I won't go into all the gory details... but Montezuma's revenge came to mind and so did food poisoning and also the Flu. If I had to call it something I think I'd call it the baby version of the Flu. Not fun!
Anyway, this week is definitely looking up!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New and Exciting

Branson and Holden have started school! Well, it's really a "mother's morning out" for the most part. They go for three hours in the morning a few days a week. They get to play, do crafts and have music day! Needless to say they have a great time being with other kids and learning new stuff. In the picture above their Papa has both boys and is taking them to their first visit at the school (Spring Valley Baptist Church). The last picture is on the morning of their first official day of school and getting ready to go.
The picture of Branson looking guilty is him getting cold-busted in the pantry. Just in the nick of time too; he has the syrup!!