Monday, November 24, 2008

Road Rash

Here Holden is showing his boo boo from where he fell down on the sidewalk outside about a week ago. Ashley was watching him and said he was pushing his car and got going too fast and wasn't able to get his hands out fast enough to catch himself. Poor little guy! Of course it happens just before any Christmas pictures get taken. haha!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cold Busted With The Goods!

If you scroll from the lower pictures to the top it tells a better story....

These little boys have a looooong reach and I keep getting reminded of that on occassion. I will find them hunkering in the hall corner or quiet behind the slide in the playroom or, as shown above, plainly out in the open on the kitchen floor with contraband. They can somehow manage to grab a box of crackers, cookies or cereal... open it... and just dig in within a matter of seconds if my back is turned. I'm not naming any names, but we all know Branson is about and 1.5 inches taller than Holden, and seen in the pictures above he is holding the "hot" goods in his chubby little hands. Also, when I start the interrogation he IS the first to try to talk his way out of it and almost appears guilty looking in the second picture. And by the looks of Holden's face in the third picture, which he doesn't appear guilty at all; that smile tells me he thinks it is his lucky day to have come across this! Sometimes I even catch the dog getting in on it. She is right there with her little buddies chowing down cookies with them - the little traitor!
For the most part they stay busy by riding the lawn mower or pushing their wagon or cozy coupe car around ~ thankfully!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Branson and Holden had a costume party at school on Halloween day. It was really cute to see the kids all dressed up! There were lions, pink butterflies, snow princesses and so many other really adorable costumes. They had fun enjoying their party too.

Also, we had their 18-month pediatrician check-up last week and these big boys are not slowing down... Branson's height: 36in (off the chart) and Holden's height: 34.5 (95th%)! Branson weighs two pounds more than his little brother (30 v 28lbs), but to hold them both you would never know. We think Branson secretly smuggles heavy bricks in his diaper because Holden feels soooo much lighter when you pick him up!