Monday, December 21, 2009

Too Many Tats (as in tatoos!) around here...

Note to self: hunt down and find every Sharpie, Ink Pen, Marker, or Pen in every nook and cranny of this house before the boys do.

It seems as if just when I think I've put every last stinkin' Sharpie away... another one pops up from who-knows-where?! Luckily my boys just like to tatoo their hands with them and not (please don't jinx me, please I beg) the walls or cabinets, etc. A friend of mine told me how her daughter used a Sharpie all over the front of her new stainless refrigerator. I've been lucky, I know this. It seems as if each new day brings with it a new little "tat" on a chubby little hand. What's funny is how proud they are of it... running to show me, look Mommy! I wonder what goes through their little heads when they see my mouth drop open and my eyes get wide....probably - Wow, she must really like it!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Guess Who's Ready For Christmas!

HO HO HO...we are getting excited about Christmas!
I'm not sure why these guys are doing a leaning pose... but these days, I just take what I get when I'm trying to get a picture. I'm just happy they are sitting next to each other for 5 seconds.

They really like playing the songs on the stuffed Snowman and Gingerbread Man over and over... and over and over and over (thank you GramBee) hahaha!

HO HO HO... look at my beard! I look like Santa! (I'm trying to envision Branson as Kris Kringle, not the little Leprechaun that keeps popping into my head when I look at him in this picture. My cute little Leprechaun.)

Monday, December 14, 2009


Sorry for delay - I've taken pictures, I just haven't downloaded them from my camera in a while! Soon, very soon, I promise! Also, I'm busy trying to send out a few Christmas cards so that is my excuse.

The boys went to church this Sunday and were very good; surprisingly good actually. We weren't even in the cry room. We sat pretty close to the front and they just took it all in. Holden really liked the snowman on the back of a sweater a woman sitting in front of us was wearing and had to touch it a few times. She was nice and didn't mind, thankfully! Lucky for Branson and Holden it happened to be Donut Sunday too - bonus!

Friday, December 4, 2009

No Picture of the Liquid Make Up "Mess"

So this evening, I'm zapping two hot dogs and some mac'n cheese in the microwave (which hardly takes 3-5 min. approx.) and in that time my two cutie patootie gremlins commenced to my bedroom with my beige liquid makeup (foundation in a bottle) and proceeded to paint their large fire truck with it, coating the pair of tennis shoes stacked on top of it too, and of course since their little hands were covered in it ~ our carpet! Ugh! I walk around the corner and spot them from my bedroom door and before I can process what has happened, Holden sees me and immediately yells "mess".

I think I'm going to need to buy two long (or not so long) tethers and hook them to my belt loops with them on the ends.

Sorry guys, but Santa is going to have to hear about this one.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two Energizer Bunnies!

I can't blog, because by the time we get these two boogers to sleep it is just way too late!! I'm beat! Branson finally just crashed out at 10:15 pm and Holden is still awake; Ashley is upstairs with him right now ~ it is 10:25pm. I think I may need to contact Super Nanny and get us on that television show. We need help, I have a feeling we aren't doing something right.

They just keep going... and going ... and going ------ Help! Somebody take out their batteries!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Go Tigers! C-L-E-M-S-O-N!!!

Got to go to another game; I think the boys enjoyed it more this time. We stayed longer and both boys were clapping, cheering and fist-pumping! It was really cute to watch.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Halloween Horse and Gorilla

Luckily Branson still got to go trick-or-treating; wearing his collar bone splint/brace under his costume. He didn't seem to miss a step keeping up with his brother Holden and their friend Anna Katherine!
Later that night (around 4:30am) we got thrown for a loop when our two boys were flying high from what we think was a Sugar-High. It was craaaaaazzzzzy! We were up, wide awake, and eating cereal at 5am in the kitchen and they were WILD. It lasted for about an hour then we put them back to bed - they went willingly believe it or not. Halloween=fun... Sugar=bad.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. (Let's get back to business!)

Poor unsuspecting Holden loves the Green Monster Milkshake I made him. He kept asking for more and more! It had spinach, some Greens+ (a green powdery substance will all kinds of good stuff in it), 1/2 banana, a splash of apple juice and maybe one or two other healthy things??? I made him a Purple Monster Milkshake the other night (spinach and blueberries with other stuff) and he LOVED IT! I'm so pleased with myself, hee hee hee. Now if I can only trick my stubborn, no-veggie-eating first born Branson! I'll keep thinking on it.

Merry Go Round, Farm Animals and lots of yummy Junk Food at the SC State Fair! We had a good time!

I take it back....

Not a good day today for little B man. He fell several, and I mean several, times today. At least 3 being a direct hit on the poor collar bone. That thing is never gonna heal if this keeps up! It's hard to keep a 2 year old from running; I may have to borrow Gracie's leash to use on him tomorrow.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Branson is doing better each day!

He is moving around much better, and with less pain. It's amazing how quickly kids rebound. He still has pain and his collar bone area is black/blue and yellow due to bruising, but he is progressing nicely. Now... if I can keep him from re-injuring it!!

These pictures are from the day after his accident. The bed picture is of him looking pathetic in the morning...but once he started moving around he did feel better later in the afternoon. Moving right along!

What Happened?!

On the way home - the patient requested a "blue" Icee. Who could refuse?

No medical expertise needed to read this Xray.

A foreshadow of what was coming... see wild man in the background behind the swing.

They both LOVE swinging in the bungee swing!! or should I say LOVED... it will be a while until we return to gymnastics class. :(

So, it started out last Thursday (October 29th) as a fun morning playing in gymnastics class. At the end of the class Mrs. Jeanna, their teacher, offered to let them swing in the bungee swing. Luckily, the week before I had taken pictures of them having a blast in the swing. But as you can see in one of the pictures, Branson is running around almost behing Holden when he is in the swing. He was doing this again after it was his turn and we kept telling him to move out of the way. He likes to "crash" sometimes with his brother, thinking it's funny. Well, we kept telling him to move and he would smile and move closer into the crash zone... so I was playfully trying to chase him; saying I'm gonna get you. I caught and tickled him a couple times, but the last time he ended up falling on the springy gymnastics mat and just landed funny on his shoulder. He cried and cried, poor little guy. I knew something was not right. We went immediately to the doctor's office and the rest is history. He has been an outstanding patient thankfully; the drugs probably help some too.
He has been sleeping in our "big bed" downstairs since Thursday... I fear we have created a monster. We tried to get him to sleep in his bed last night and Ashley lost that battle - luckily I was putting Holden to bed at the time. We will try again tonight. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blame it on technical difficulty!!

I have some really good (and several) pictures to post, but having computer problems lately! Will try to get some on here soon. Tried to post a video this weekend with no luck. On top of that, my poor baby broke his collar bone this morning! Ugh! I feel so bad for him ~ major pain. Not too much they can do for him, put it in a sling and that's about it. He forgets and keeps trying to lift the bad arm.... poor fellow! I'm a little afraid at how I'm supposed to keep a 2 year old still for a few days - if not more - so it can heal. I told Branson that I hoped he was a fast healer. I'll keep you posted!

Pictures Coming Soon! (I hope)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Growing So Fast...

These two cute boys will be two and a half years old soon! Hard to believe. They are doing great and are such sweet guys.

Branson on his bicycle

This boy loves to ride his bike! He is getting so good at it too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween is almost here!

It's hard to believe that it's that time of year again... the holidays are almost here. Wow! Where does the time go? The boys and I had fun picking out pumpkins the other day. I'd have to say... Holden enjoyed it more. Branson doesn't really like to get his hands dirty too much. But then, that's how it goes... if one boy loves to play in the dirt (Holden) the other boy (Branson) does not... and on and on. They have such different personalities and it cracks me up every day with something different. Branson likes showers, Holden likes baths. Branson likes to pick out his clothes, Holden could care less... and on and on and on!

School is going well. Their teachers are very sweet and even though we have a little separation anxiety (no crying, just clingy - and it's usually one or the other at different times) once in a while when I leave them in the mornings... they are always smiling when I pick them up and tell me they had fun there. They like wearing their backpacks and make me put them on before heading to class each morning.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Training Them Up Right

When the weather outside is yucky, sometimes it's better to just stay inside and bake cookies! These boys love to help me in the kitchen. I think that a man who can cook, and is comfortable in the kitchen, is such an attractive quality; so I'm training my boys up right. They love to cook!! My two handsome little chefs are making oatmeal cookies.

Friday, September 25, 2009

First Football Game!

Last Saturday Ashley and I took Branson and Holden up to Clemson to see their first college football game. It was short, due to the weather... but I think they really got a kick out of it! It was a little loud and initimidating at first; both boys were wide-eyed (picture deer in headlights kinda) when we went into the stadium ~ especially when the first canon went off BOOM! They looked a little panic-stricken for a moment when that happened and I felt sorry for them, but they didn't cry and took it all in stride. Now, when I ask them if they liked going to the football game and would they like to go again... they shake their head 'yes' and then stick out an arm and yell BOOM! I think they had fun and it will just get better each time we take them. GO TIGERS!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Door Locking Bandit

Okay, if Branson locks one more door on me I am going to start drooling, laughing and crying at the same time, and running in circles until I am lucky enough for someone to commit me!!!! It was cute the first fifty times, but now it is fifty times a day; and sometimes I get locked outside too. I am going insane. It is so annoying to try to go to the bathroom, only to find that when you get to the door, it's locked. We have those "push button" locks so it is so easy (and tempting) for Branson to just walk by a door and push the button in on the doorknob, then close the door - thus locking it! Ugh! I haven't been able to convince him to STOP. Calgon... take me away!!!!!

On a lighter note: they really like school. On the first day, when I went to pick them up they both ran over to say "hi" and hug me... then Holden left to continue playing across the room. And he's my "mama's boy"! They were both all smiles when we left.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Preschool Started Today!!

Silly Boys! It is not the easiest task to get two boys to sit still for a good picture; but here are a few shots from this morning. We are so excited that they started back to preschool today ~ them and me! I think the only one who was a little sad was Gracie who was wandering the halls looking for them while they were gone; secretively she probably liked the break too.

It was very cute to see them so excited to carry their backpacks! They didn't need one last year, so this is something new. They love them! Also, about five minutes before we had to leave for school, Branson got into my mascara (has never done this before) and got it all over his hands, face, and new shirt. Great, just great! It is hard enough just getting out of the door most mornings - luckily it all wiped off pretty easily. I'm just glad it was NOT a Sharpie pen really!

College Football Season is Here!

And... we're off to a good start; Tigers won their first game!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Holden being buried in sand for the first time!

Holden was definitely a good sport and enjoyed being buried in the sand (for the first 2 min.). [This was prior to me hearing about a freakish story where some kid was buried in the sand and then swallowed up ~ but eventually saved!] Holden loves going to the beach; mainly because it is one big sandbox... pure joy.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Little Patient

Branson in the hospital for outpatient surgery.

We had to check in bright and early Tuesday morning to the Childrens Hospital, leaving our house at 5am. Branson had to have a damaged salivary gland removed from the inside of his lower lip. He fell several months ago and got a bloody lip. At the time I thought 'no biggie' I'm sure this will be one of many busted lips... but of course his little teeth hit it in just the wrong place ~ so now, many doctors appointments later and hundreds of dollars into it, my little baby is doing just fine after his first real surgery! Phew!

First Night in New Bed

Okay, I realize I haven't blogged in a while... and for good reason. I have been or should I say our boys have been completely out of whack schedule-wise. It's been rough I tell ya! It all started about two weeks ago.
As you know, quite some time ago we put Branson and Holden's crib mattresses on the floor, a loooong way down from being able to get over the top and escape their little 'prisons'. I was so happy that there was at least one safe and secure place that they couldn't get into any trouble once they were there in their cribs. I just took it for granted that it would last until I decided to break out the toddler beds - thinking right around the age of 3 would work for me. What was I thinking?! These boys keep reminding me that I don't get to plan things nice and neat or how I'd like them and/or determine when one chapter ends and another begins ~ THEY DO. I was blindsided by this latest turn of events.
Branson could now easily climb out of his crib and decided on no napping. The no napping was not because he no longer needed it, it was due to the excitement of not being contained and playing in his room. He would even pop in on his brother, climbing into his crib to say hello and cause his brother to not nap as well (and also to scream and cry telling him to get out).
The pictures above are of Branson obviously not ready to give up naps yet and of Holden thinking it is just too funny that I am taking pictures at dinner time and because he is partially delirious from lack of sleep. A day or two later we converted the beloved cribs into toddler beds... Let The Games Begin!

Helping me put together the first Big Boy Bed!

Moving Up and Out of the Baby Crib

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Tower of Terror... not for them, for me!

The biggest slide yet!

Not much more to say... just glad it's not me up there!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Capturing the essence of SUMMER!

Branson and Holden in our backyard, in their swimming pool (filled with toys), semi-naked, drinking a Capri Sun! Hanging out and playing with your best buddy ~ Good times.

Two Serious Biker Boys

Branson adjusting his helmet

Okay, so we're either brave or stupid ~ we skipped right over the tricycles and went straight to the mini bikes! So far so good. These boys are pretty big for their age (not quite 2 1/2 yet) and tall enough to reach the pedals; we figured they'd outgrow their tricycles within a year so why bother. They were so excited to see these cool bikes (hey, who wouldn't want a Huffy?! I had one.) - it was hysterical to see their little faces when we showed them their new mini bikes. We thought about getting two different bikes, but opted for two exactly the same for a good reason. They would have found a reason to fight over one bike if we picked out two different ones, I feel sure of it, and we did NOT want to go there. We have been working on pedaling fowards and not backwards, which is the brake - it'll take a little practice but they really are enjoying them.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Branson and Holden love to do gymnastics!

Our boys get so excited when they go to gymnastics class. They were already showing athletic potential when they started there and after the first class, they showed a lot of excitement and improvement! They love to jump down the long trampoline, climb up ladders to hang on the high bars, tumble, walk across balance beams, jump into "the pit" and especially love getting the popsicle after class! I took these pictures last week - their fourth class. We don't have any real agenda over the summer... (just to learn through play) and this gym class was so much fun!
The ladder was pretty high and the bars even higher... no worries, we got it!
The Pit was scary at first, but after the first jump - no more fears!