I love to pee-pee in the big potty!
I pooped in the potty 3 times today! (One of those times, I pooped while on the potty and then got off and realized I had one more little poop left, so I got back on the potty right away!) My mommy was really proud of me.
First off, let me just say that this is no laughing matter... it's more of a crying matter and it may drive me to drink - in the mornings. I'm learning as I go on what NOT to do with little boys learning a new skill involving pee & poop; not fun stuff in a diaper and definitely not fun when it is outside of it either. I'm no weenie, but it is hard work and takes a lot of patience. Let the
official potty training begin!!!! (Lord Help Me.)
I was only going to start with Branson. He seemed the most interested and I thought, hey - training one will be easier than training TWO at a time. Once the first boy has gotten it down, the second boy will easily know what it's all about and will want to catch up - seeing his big brother do it will make him a fast learner and then they will both be potty trained, great! Never plan in your mind how you think things will or should go with twin boys... they let YOU know. BOTH Holden and Branson are excited about sitting on the potty - a good thing I realize this - but they both want to use the "big potty" and that has been hard on my back. The constant lifting on top of the usual daily lifting and carrying of heavy little boys - argh! (The next thing they'll be learning is how to walk on Mommy's back!!) Anyway, where was I??? They both like using the potty and that is great. We are easing into it and cleaning up a few accidents here and there; mainly when they overshoot the toilet bowl or run naked from me and whiz on the floor before I can get them to the potty. Mostly errors I can correct and do things a little differently from now on.
Since it is Summertime I could just let them go outside in the morning, naked, and hose them off every so often during the day and then bring them back in at night - I'd save a fortune in Pull Ups!
I am optimistic, don't think I'm not after reading this... I just know it's not going to be over and done with in a few days and that's the reality that has just set in. Like learning all other skills they will master this too soon enough.