Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Tower of Terror... not for them, for me!

The biggest slide yet!

Not much more to say... just glad it's not me up there!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Capturing the essence of SUMMER!

Branson and Holden in our backyard, in their swimming pool (filled with toys), semi-naked, drinking a Capri Sun! Hanging out and playing with your best buddy ~ Good times.

Two Serious Biker Boys

Branson adjusting his helmet

Okay, so we're either brave or stupid ~ we skipped right over the tricycles and went straight to the mini bikes! So far so good. These boys are pretty big for their age (not quite 2 1/2 yet) and tall enough to reach the pedals; we figured they'd outgrow their tricycles within a year so why bother. They were so excited to see these cool bikes (hey, who wouldn't want a Huffy?! I had one.) - it was hysterical to see their little faces when we showed them their new mini bikes. We thought about getting two different bikes, but opted for two exactly the same for a good reason. They would have found a reason to fight over one bike if we picked out two different ones, I feel sure of it, and we did NOT want to go there. We have been working on pedaling fowards and not backwards, which is the brake - it'll take a little practice but they really are enjoying them.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Branson and Holden love to do gymnastics!

Our boys get so excited when they go to gymnastics class. They were already showing athletic potential when they started there and after the first class, they showed a lot of excitement and improvement! They love to jump down the long trampoline, climb up ladders to hang on the high bars, tumble, walk across balance beams, jump into "the pit" and especially love getting the popsicle after class! I took these pictures last week - their fourth class. We don't have any real agenda over the summer... (just to learn through play) and this gym class was so much fun!
The ladder was pretty high and the bars even higher... no worries, we got it!
The Pit was scary at first, but after the first jump - no more fears!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Not sure who is smarter... thankfully there is no contest!

Well, luckily we try not to compare the boys to each other too much... like for instance who is smarter. Here we have Holden sampling the sand (I thought he was out of that phase of eating it, but I guess not)... then we have Branson with a hat over his head, not on it, but all the way over his face and trying to walk around. My silly boys. They were having too much fun to worry about how they looked over the 4th of July in Myrtle Beach! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend ~ we sure did.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

4am Wake Up Call

Um, no... not by request - I did not ask for a wake-up call! Holden woke me up a couple of nights ago to let me know he wanted to sit on the potty. Most parents should be happy or feel proud that their child tells them they have to 'go'... me, notsomuch at that hour. He wasn't making it up though, he DID have to peepee. Note to self: last possible thing right before bedtime is take boys to potty. It is going okay I guess. I kinda feel like I am flying blind in this area for some reason.

The other latest is that we are now into toy wars... any toy that Holden is playing with, Branson wants it. I hear screaming a lot more these days, and "mine" way too much. Also a lot of "my turn" "my turn". They are getting better on learning how to share and take turns - some days are better than others!