Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Little Patient

Branson in the hospital for outpatient surgery.

We had to check in bright and early Tuesday morning to the Childrens Hospital, leaving our house at 5am. Branson had to have a damaged salivary gland removed from the inside of his lower lip. He fell several months ago and got a bloody lip. At the time I thought 'no biggie' I'm sure this will be one of many busted lips... but of course his little teeth hit it in just the wrong place ~ so now, many doctors appointments later and hundreds of dollars into it, my little baby is doing just fine after his first real surgery! Phew!

First Night in New Bed

Okay, I realize I haven't blogged in a while... and for good reason. I have been or should I say our boys have been completely out of whack schedule-wise. It's been rough I tell ya! It all started about two weeks ago.
As you know, quite some time ago we put Branson and Holden's crib mattresses on the floor, a loooong way down from being able to get over the top and escape their little 'prisons'. I was so happy that there was at least one safe and secure place that they couldn't get into any trouble once they were there in their cribs. I just took it for granted that it would last until I decided to break out the toddler beds - thinking right around the age of 3 would work for me. What was I thinking?! These boys keep reminding me that I don't get to plan things nice and neat or how I'd like them and/or determine when one chapter ends and another begins ~ THEY DO. I was blindsided by this latest turn of events.
Branson could now easily climb out of his crib and decided on no napping. The no napping was not because he no longer needed it, it was due to the excitement of not being contained and playing in his room. He would even pop in on his brother, climbing into his crib to say hello and cause his brother to not nap as well (and also to scream and cry telling him to get out).
The pictures above are of Branson obviously not ready to give up naps yet and of Holden thinking it is just too funny that I am taking pictures at dinner time and because he is partially delirious from lack of sleep. A day or two later we converted the beloved cribs into toddler beds... Let The Games Begin!

Helping me put together the first Big Boy Bed!

Moving Up and Out of the Baby Crib