Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Twin Monkey Boys

We were at the Toys R Us and couldn't resist a ride on Dumbo and Tigger. Both of which are in their favorite movies. You should hear them belly laughing so hard when they watch those movies. (They especially love it when Dumbo and his little mouse friend accidently get drunk... great, just great.)
At the Zoo. Look in the background... see those monkies?
Hmmm, notice any similarities here?
Holden and Branson on their Skuut bikes - no pedals, just feet for power and balance. Branson is really really good at riding his tricycle, which Holden is not so good at. But, Holden is a master Skuut bike rider, which Branson is not so good at. It's fun to see the many differences in their personalities and skills; appreciating their individualism!

Decadent Duo

Yes folks, that is Holden crossing his eyes. His new favorite trick, which he is really proud of. Of course it creeps me out and now I understand all the times as a kid people would tell you not to do that and how your eyes will get stuck like that. I tell him all of those things...but it doesn't matter. We went out for icecream cones (something we never do) and they had so much fun running around and being silly!

Monday, April 12, 2010


This picture cracked me up... Branson's hair reminded me a little of the front guy from Flock of Seagulls.
They call this the "Big Park"; it used to make me nervous because it is so high off the ground and had stuff too advanced for them. They love it though and are getting better at the harder-to-do-stuff too. Still makes me a little nervous.
They can't be sweet and fun ALL the time! Here Branson is being a teaser and NOT sharing... hogging both swings. Holden is not taking it too well.
Most of the time they get along great and lately like to race around the house together. They are really into the racecars again.
Here are Branson and Holden looking so handsome all dressed up! They are getting ready to sing at their Spring Bash Preschool Program. They are looking so grown up aren't they?!?

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Branson having a temper tantrum... ooooohhhhh, the crying ~ when does that stop?! An older woman told me that little boys cry more when they are young and little girls cry later when they are older. ha ha, makes sense to me!
The latest and greatest fun thing... flying fast through the air like Superman is super fun! (I don't think they even know about Superman yet.) Catching 'big air' is just so fun!

The other night I was tickling Branson and he told me to settle down. I stopped (in shock and giggles) and said did you just tell me to "settle down?"... he then replied, "Mommy, settle down!" It was so cute I had to laugh. His latest saying at the table (when he is eating) is mmm, this is "welicious" aka delicious! It sounds really cute in Branson-talk.
Holden continues to impress Ashley and I with his athleticism and coordination. It is amazing watching that little boy run, jump, play etc. He looks like a jock! However, I'm not so impressed with his bossiness. It's a little out of hand and he has been a little demanding lately; yelling at me to do something or not do it. Also, he really yells when he is worried that I might not be treating Branson to his liking... this boy looks out for his brother and vice versa!
Hard to believe that these two munchkins will be turning 3 years old before the end of the month! Lord help me.