Thursday, June 24, 2010

The boys with their Great Grandpa

Kiss and Hug Goodbye
Notice Branson blowing spit bubbles

Thanks to Aunt Rita and Uncle Chris ( we got some cute shots of the boys and their great grandfather at our Father's Day Celebration dinner. My grandfather does not make many appearances these days, staying at his homebase, so we were really happy he decided to come out and visit with us! The boys enjoyed tickling him and showing off for him; it was really cute to watch. I think he liked messing with them too (I heard he told Branson and Holden that he liked to eat little boys)... they just smiled.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day Papa, Grandpa and Great-Grandpa!

Yesterday was Father's Day - and bless Ashley for all the extra duties he has been having to do since I broke my ankle!! Eventhough I'm sure it has been a labor of love it has been hard work just the same. Branson and Holden haven't been baking lately due to my injury, but since yesterday was a special day, we got out our spoons and mixing bowls (much to their delight!) to make something special for Father's Day. The boys helped me make a homemade coffee cake that turned out really yummy and we served breakfast in bed to Ashley for "Happy Papa's Day"; that's what they called it. They also made him homemade cards the night before and were very excited to show those to him as well.

Later that evening they got to eat dinner with my Papa and my Papa's Papa! They got some cute pictures made with their great-grandfather and hopefully I can post some soon. They thought it was a big party and had a good time. On the way home they wanted to know why no candles? I think they wanted to assist in blowing out some candles. I mean HELLO... what's a party without candles?

Monday, June 14, 2010


I was afraid with me having a broken ankle that my little guys would not get a lot of pool time this summer. Well, thankfully that has not been the case! They love to swim ~ especially my little fish-boy Holden! If you mention swimming he will grin ear to ear. He has no fear and loves to swim, jump, go under the water, jump off the diving board, get thrown high up in the air and land in the pool, etc. The wilder the better!! Branson enjoys it too, he is just a little bit more cautious. He likes the one-on-one attention and wants to make sure someone has a hand on him; and he doesn't go all the way under with the enthusiasm his brother has. They both wear little swim vests; but apparently, according to their Aunt Lisa, Holden can swim and float on his back unassisted! Wow! I'll have to see this for myself (I believe her though, he blows bubbles and kicks really well). They left yesterday for Myrtle Beach and will be home on Thursday. I feel sure they will get a lot of water time between the beach, water park and pool there!! Fun fun!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stormy Weather

We don't get many thunderstorms, but when we do they always have bad timing - bedtime, of course. Well, last night Ashley is upstairs getting tag-teamed by the little boogers (I am the cripple with the broken ankle, tortured for 8 long weeks with a cast ~ stuck downstairs for another 3 weeks at least) and right when he says "night night" all craziness breaks out in the skies above. Lightening crackling, and thunder booming! Both boys got a little freaked; Holden didn't cry but Branson screamed and cried for the both of them. Part of the screaming and crying was the fact that he had to go to bed too, I'm sure. Well, finally Ashley comes downstairs a lot later and tells me that both little guys are tucked snugly together in the guest room bed spooning with each other. How sweet. It's nice to have a twin to comfort you when you get scared.