Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mom, Mom?

Thought the boys looked pretty neat with their faces painted! We went to a birthday party today and there was magic, cake & icecream and Face Painting! How cool! They had the best time, and a bonus - got to see a lot of their little classmates from school they have not seen in a while.

I know it has been a while since my last report.... so sorry. We had a really fun time over July 4th in Myrtle Beach with the 'Cone' side of the family. It was really nice getting out of town for a change and especially nice to visit with and play with all our relatives. Branson and Holden had a great time.

Last week they went to gymnastics camp for a couple hours each morning. Thumbs up on that - they love going to and doing gymnastics!

Lately, Branson has been calling me "Mom" - it caught me a little off guard; I thought that was what kids started calling you when they got to be teenagers!?! Now Holden has picked it up too! aaack!! It sounds really cute but also makes them sound so old! I'm torn, I like it and I don't like it. I think I should be "Mommy" just a little while longer.