Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Go Tigers!

Clemson Tigers sure have some cute fans! haha The boys are really starting to 'get into' football this year; it also helps to follow a winning team. They are starting to learn the cheers and love to hear the cannon go off after a TD and also the LOUD tiger roar in the stadium ~ so cute to see them so excited!

Friday, September 16, 2011

First Day of PreK 4s!!!!

Hooray for preschool starting back!!! Last week Branson and Holden started school again and were very excited to see their old friends and teachers. This year is a little different in that they have separate classrooms and teachers. I was a little worried that they would be anxious but they weren't at all. In fact, I think they were really excited that they each had their "own" teacher and classroom. I've gotten great reports from the teachers on both boys that they are doing fantastic separated. (I've even noticed Holden has a little skip in his step these days. haha) Off to a great start this year!! WooHoo!

ps Branson is doing a thumbs-down mainly because I said let's do a thumbs-up picture on school starting. I think if I said please don't clean up your room... it would be spotless in about 5 min. ;) Love that willful boy!

New Family Addition! Dusty

Well, we waited long enough according to the boys,"years and years", to get another dog. So we went to the Pets Inc. place and Fate pushed lil Dusty our way; so we adopted him and brought him home with us. He was a new little puppy at the orphanage, dropped off that morning the evening we were there and the rest is history. He has the sweetest little personality and loves playing with the boys. We were told he is a Terrier mix and shouldn't get too big. Branson and Holden named him Dusty; Branson was adamant about the name and Holden was agreeable. We adopted him the day before Preschool started. Timing could have been a little better, but WTH... sometimes you just gotta roll with it.

Branson and Holden really love having a little dog around to play with. They want to help with everything. Feeding, brushing, giving treats and toys to, walking him, etc. Ashley may be more smitten with little Dusty than the boys! He's a good fit for our family. They keep asking if we have to give him back and if we get to keep him forever and ever.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Buzz Off Kid!

I know, I know... where are any new pictures?! I've slacked off for a while... updates will return when I get my sanity back (could be a while).

Today Branson was in the bathroom with the door locked. I knocked on the door and asked what he was doing. He responded "going to the potty... now buzz away please". I think he was trying to tell me to "buzz off". I guess kids really do pick up what you say sometimes!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bowler Boys and Guppy Guys

We went bowling today! They really like bowling.
Holden was really getting into it; fist pumps and all!

Here's my man Branson, looking all serious like; nice form good grip!

Most days we try to make it to the pool. A couple nights a week, we wait for Ashley to get home from work and all go together. It's nice to go in the evening, and it helps these guys sleep well too.

The boys have practiced swimming a few times without the swim-vests and are really doing well. I'm thinking that if they weren't twins, they would be swimming now. But if only one parent is with them, it's hard to watch them both at the same time (makes me nervous); and they most likely would have had a little more one on one time in the pool. But nevertheless, they love the water and are getting so much better at swimming!

SUMMERTIME (kickin' my arse) FUN!

Geez Louise! The boys got out of school mid May... and will be out for summer break until around the second week in September!!!!! Not to complain or anything, but the days are long and the temperatures are rising. Hello!?!! I'm 40 years OLD...and I'm dyin' and beat down. ;) My bones are weary and we still have months to go. (sniff) Just wanted to share, that's all.

I know I shouldn't complain about God's precious gifts; and most days I usually don't. Today was just a long one ~ well really, this week has been a long one. They've been doing great, not fighting (too much) with each other and they could still practice on cutting back with whining. On a positive note, they are both pretty good helpers. They helped me clean out my car today and vacuumed it too. I bet you have no idea how messy and gross a car with twin 4 year old boys can get; I had no idea how bad it really was, and it was my car!

Branson is still a little bossy, but I'm thinking that just comes with the territory. He is the older brother afterall. He also likes to tease, but he's been doing that for years now. Holden has been cracking us up lately, on finding "coins". He gets soooo excited when he finds a penny or any kind of coin these days. And usually he doesn't mind if Branson tries to take a toy from him, but buddy watch out if you touch his coins! He goes ballistic!! I think Branson is learning.... don't take the man's coins OR ELSE.

Monday, June 6, 2011

1st Week At The Beach

Well, we started off the summer with going to Myrtle Beach for a week. These boys had a great time. They especially love riding in the golf cart to the pancake house in the mornings! I've always thought we've been lucky since the earliest they wake up is around 7:30... and at the beach it was 8/8:30 most mornings which was much appreciated. ;)
Branson likes the ocean/beach much better these days, thank goodness. He still loves the pool the most, but will actually get out on the beach now and build sand castles, ride his boogie board to catch waves, and dig for crabs! Both Branson and Holden were champs on their boogie boards; I was really kinda shocked at how good they were. They held on tight and rode waves into shore ~ so fun to watch them. They loved it. Another thing that Ashley and I were really shocked about was that they now do flips off the side of the pool!! I kid you not.... they do belly flops, dives and "flips" into the pool. Very impressive! I wish I had taken my camera or video recorder to show you (sorry). Happy Summer ~ Stay Cool!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Birthday Party Pony Rides and Hayrides - Yee Haw!


Holden and Branson

Today was so much fun!

Branson and Holden had their birthday party at a little farm in Blythewood. We invited a bunch of little people to help us celebrate. We had pony rides, hayrides, a pinata, pin-the-tail on the donkey and plenty of dirt and space to run and play! Both Birthday Boys picked out a BatMan cake; didn't see that one coming, but hey, who am I to judge? BatMan and Pony rides seem to go together just fine when you're 4 I guess. The weather was so perfect today too! It was a good day for all little cowboys and cowgirls.

Birthday, Easter, Spring Bash, etc.

I have pictures from Easter morning, which was also the day Branson and Holden turned 4! I'll post them here soon. Where did 4 years go?! I'm amazed at how fast they grow.

HAWAII!! GO BIG... or go home!

We took a family trip to Hawaii the week before the boys turned 4. It was actually for 10 whole days! Also, the boys' first plane ride; I mean if your gonna do it... Just Do It! right?! They were so incredibly good on the trip I was amazed. I'm not just saying that as a biased mother either; I was a little anxious knowing that the airplane flight time alone was 10hrs - not counting time getting to and from the airports or layovers... so I was holding my breath hoping for the best. It's all about attitude. We were so excited to be going to paradise that we were thinking positive thoughts leading up to the trip and it worked!

Thanks Grandpa & Susie for the trip. They took our family, my sister's family, and my brother and his wife. We had a blast. I think the boys' swimming progressed 200% ~ by the end of the trip they had turned into little fishies!! The luau was the big highlight. With dancing, music, temporary tattoos, fire throwing, etc. Too cool. Hawaii was an awesome trip.

I'll post some pictures on this post soon!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Time at Circus! Cool!

Circus = Cha Ching $$ (Two plastic light toys - over $40) It was a fun thing to take them to do though; they had a good time.

Branson and Holden started out with light up swords... then later got the spinning light wand (a little more exciting). Luckily, they were allowed to switch out with no questions asked. ;)

Motorcyles riding around inside the round metal cage was one of their favs!

A Little of This...A Little of That

Checking in after a long break! Not a whole lot is new with the boys. But just FYI ~ I feel like the 3s has been pretty challenging and extra busy. I think I'm about ready to see what the 4s are like; I've heard that they are better/easier? Who knows... but I'm dragging lately with these boys not listening. Right now Ashley and I have two cute non-listeners. I feel like some days I should be in "opposite world"... as in do exactly the opposite of what I am telling you. I'm still sane for now (for now).

Holden still brings up Gracie. He misses her. He is my sensitive boy. The other night Ashley was reading a book about wishes; he asked each boy what his one wish would be. It made me a little sad that Holden said he would wish Gracie back. What a sweet boy.
On a funny note... the boys were taking a bath the other night and luckily Ashley heard Branson tell Holden to back up, because he was about to drop a BM right there in the bathtub!! Gross. Ashley got him out in time to sit on the potty and explained that we don't ever go #2 in the tub. Sheesh - boys!
Even as aggravating as Branson and Holden can be sometimes (I know, hard to believe they could ever be pains in the arse) they still surprise and impress me when I don't expect it. We went to the dentist the other day and they were amazing. They were so well-behaved and actually enjoyed it. I didn't know what to expect from them, but was optimistic (okay - hopeful is more like it). After the appointment, I was buckling Branson in his car seat and he said "Mommy, I like the dentist... I'm coming back here AGAIN". Gotta love it. Really, I'm sitting here thinking about it, I shouldn't be surprised... they love going to the pediatrician too. Strange... I'll just be thankful about it and hope it lasts.