Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Time at Circus! Cool!

Circus = Cha Ching $$ (Two plastic light toys - over $40) It was a fun thing to take them to do though; they had a good time.

Branson and Holden started out with light up swords... then later got the spinning light wand (a little more exciting). Luckily, they were allowed to switch out with no questions asked. ;)

Motorcyles riding around inside the round metal cage was one of their favs!

A Little of This...A Little of That

Checking in after a long break! Not a whole lot is new with the boys. But just FYI ~ I feel like the 3s has been pretty challenging and extra busy. I think I'm about ready to see what the 4s are like; I've heard that they are better/easier? Who knows... but I'm dragging lately with these boys not listening. Right now Ashley and I have two cute non-listeners. I feel like some days I should be in "opposite world"... as in do exactly the opposite of what I am telling you. I'm still sane for now (for now).

Holden still brings up Gracie. He misses her. He is my sensitive boy. The other night Ashley was reading a book about wishes; he asked each boy what his one wish would be. It made me a little sad that Holden said he would wish Gracie back. What a sweet boy.
On a funny note... the boys were taking a bath the other night and luckily Ashley heard Branson tell Holden to back up, because he was about to drop a BM right there in the bathtub!! Gross. Ashley got him out in time to sit on the potty and explained that we don't ever go #2 in the tub. Sheesh - boys!
Even as aggravating as Branson and Holden can be sometimes (I know, hard to believe they could ever be pains in the arse) they still surprise and impress me when I don't expect it. We went to the dentist the other day and they were amazing. They were so well-behaved and actually enjoyed it. I didn't know what to expect from them, but was optimistic (okay - hopeful is more like it). After the appointment, I was buckling Branson in his car seat and he said "Mommy, I like the dentist... I'm coming back here AGAIN". Gotta love it. Really, I'm sitting here thinking about it, I shouldn't be surprised... they love going to the pediatrician too. Strange... I'll just be thankful about it and hope it lasts.