Friday, February 10, 2012

A couple of Disney pictures from January

They loved loved loved watching the fireworks... glad we stayed late!

These two are soo EXCITED to meet Buzz LightYear - what a thrill

Branson's favorite thing was the Castle and Holden's favorite thing was Splash Mountain; which we got to ride 2x in a row because there were No Crowds when we went!! Great trip!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Branson and Holden

Well, it has been an interesting start to the New Year.... we went to Disney World with the boys in early January and had a wonderful time. Got to see Mickey, Buzz Light Year, Woody the Disney Castle, Sea World, etc. Very fun! Then, Beverly (GramBee) passed away near the end of January, today is her birthday by the way! Happy Birthday GramBee - we love and miss you so very much!!

What the boys have been up to lately:
continuing to do Karate (a 30 min exercise class really, at the school) after preschool once a week
signed them back up for gymnastics class again - once a week; they kept asking me to sign them up again
trying to decide whether to sign them up for soccer this next season - they really liked it and excelled in it, so I probably will... not sure when it starts back

Branson and Holden's all consuming activities, thoughts, ideas, etc. revolve around construction. They want to build things, use their tools, dress up like contruction workers, put the orange cones out in the road. They LOVE contruction stuff right now! Thanks to Aunt Courtney, they can now carry on in style with the outfits she got them for Christmas - Contruction Worker Men! Also, whenever we are driving on the highway and they see those work zone orange signs on the side of the road... they immediately yell out "Man Working Ahead"!! Pretty funny the first 920 times really.