Sunday, February 2, 2014


Main Entry: dagnabbit Part of Speech: interj Definition: god damn it Example: Dagnabbit, where's my cell phone? Etymology: based on "dang rabbit," said by the character Elmer Fudd in Bugs Bunny cartoons Usage: euphemism Dagnabbit! I can't believe it has been SO LONG since I've updated this blog - I was shocked at how long ago the last entry was. I think about it sometimes, I just never get on the computer much anymore because now I mostly just use my smartphone. (And I don't have Beverly sending me reminder emails haha!) Dagnabbit is the boys' favcrite new word lately. It's on some stupid insurance commercial and they just get a kick out of it for some reason. They love saying it. But Dagnabbit! is what I want to say because now I know I'm going to cry. I'm going to update this blog with the death of their Poppy (Hollis Cone, Ashley's dad) and I don't want to cry!!! Dagnabbit! Dagnabbit!!!! Man, what a shocker! You know that saying "Go Big or Go Home"? Well, let's just change it to "Go Big and Go Home" because that's exactly what Poppy did. He always went big. With good food, good wine, gifts and presents, and most of all his presence etc. You knew when he was in the room with you. And the kicker is, the ending of his life was no different. He went BIG before he went HOME. He had an aggressive form of liver Cancer and only had about 2 weeks to say his good-byes. Well, in that whirlwind of 2 weeks a lot went down. But since this blog is focused on our boys I'll try to keep it on track.... (quick shout out to Ashley and his sisters and nephew for getting baptized during that time!) Like I said a lot went down. haha! Hollis Cone/ Poppy as the boys called him. He was fun to be around... ask anyone that knew him; and he enjoyed being around people. You could tell by his smile and the stories he told. He was loving, generous, spoke his mind, cursed (in a cute kind of way doing it) and went out of his way to see our boys. He went to swim meets, soccer games, Grandparents Day at school, etc. etc. Crap, the tears are really flowing now - Dagnabbit!! Branson and Holden really loved him and they are so young. But I know they felt the love he had for them and I hope they carry that with them throughout their lives. I hate thinking what could have been... he would have been in their lives, helping them along the way with his love and sense of humor but now that's gone. We will truly miss his cute Cottageville accent, his handsome tall funny self. Thanks for all the fond memories (and there are only fond ones) Poppy. Much Love To You, You Are Now Home.