Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Die Hard Clemson Tiger Fans!

Clemson Tigers are ranked as the #1 college football team in the nation right now! What a fantastic season.  These guys love to go see the Tigers play (day or night, rain or shine :/ ).  I wish they could do as well on their schoolwork as they can with their football stats.  They can rattle off names, stats, wins, losses, etc. of most football teams - college and pro.  C-L-E-M-S-O-N!!!

First Communion (Last Spring)

I almost forgot to mention that the boys received their First Holy Communion this past Spring. They took classes for two years and worked very hard. They were thrilled to 'graduate' and be able to go up and receive communion and the wine.  They still get nervous and excited to do this at church!  I think they thought it was pretty special... and it was.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Boys Are Eight

The boys are eight and in 3rd grade. They are doing soccer this fall and also had their first tennis lesson/clinic last week. They both liked it! I'd like for them to try out a bunch of different sports before we start to focus on just one. I really do not want them to play tackle football and that is the one sport they beg to play. Trying to hold them off for (ever) as long as I can! They have recently been introduced to fishing - Holden really has the fishing bug and LOVES to fish! They are both just as silly as ever.