Okay, okay - sorry for the delay. I was getting so good there for a while keeping up with my "blogging" of the boys and then I hit a pothole. I went out of town for a weekend, then the boys got sick and my computer crashed and was "in the shop" getting repaired to be stronger, faster, and better than ever! I haven't taken any new pictures lately, so I'll try to get on that this weekend for sure. But I've been wanting to spotlight each boy individually anyway so here goes.
My first born. My big boy (he is heavier and taller than his brother) when you see him you just think - that is a big boy. My high-maintenance boy; you know he is in the room - he will make you pay attention to him. He is happy and sweet a real hugger bear and a kisser too! He likes to turn on the radio by himself and wiggle his body to dance; kind of like a snake standing up if you can picture that. More head movement than hands. He is talking a lot now and will point to objects so he knows what to call them. He can say his own name and calls his brother Holden "O". Ashley and I may start calling his brother "O" too, it is kind of catchy. "O Man" whatup?! He is definitely a Papa's boy, always asking where his Papa is throughout the day. Branson is an expert swinger on the swingset; he is also an excellent ladder-climber too. Not too shabby on the slide, but definitely room for improvement with his landings. He likes to relax sometimes and lay on his back and look up at the sky in the backyard. He really likes it when he sees an airplane. He loves his brother and also likes to steal his brother's milk and run around double-fisted with two sippy cups. Smiling his little mischievous smile as he escapes - he does eventually return it to the rightful owner! He just likes to push our buttons sometimes. I like to call him my little milkaholic because he loves his milk! Branson falls down a lot or runs into things. He just goes wide-open and only knows one speed...fast! Branson is lacking in the good-sleeper department. When he sleeps he is fine, it's just that his naps are shorter than his brother's and in general does not require as much sleep. I guess it's hard being a twin because you will always be compared. I try not to, but when Holden sleeps for 3 hours during naptime I notice when Branson wants up after only 1 hour. We haven't potty trained yet, but anytime I put him on the potty he pees. He really is a smart little boy.