Friday, April 3, 2009

What's been going on...

Branson likes wearing his fishing hat around just for the heck of it; he has grown out of the phase of not wanting to wear hats or hooded jackets thankfully!!

Holden got a hold of an Easter egg shaped like a carrot and had it in his mouth all day; just wait until he finds out those things hold candy - he's going to be pleasantly surprised!!
These horsemen like to ride fast and furious. They can now get on and off Wonder Horse (aka Clip Clop) without any assistance. Yeehaw!

The other day Branson and Holden double-teamed me and took off down the street (luckily we are on a cul-de-sac) with their cars. They would not take "NO" for an answer... so I say Hey, if you can't beat 'em join 'em... and off we went. They checked out all the neighbors' homes/driveways etc; I had to stop them before they took their cars into fenced-in backyards. Nosey little fellows!

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